Due Diligence

It is easy to identify Adolph Hitler. But to know really who the person you are hiring is, you need accurate background information.

That is where InterPROBE® helps you.

InterPROBE®, InterManagement' s pre-employment deep-probe technology, provides reports on all vital aspects of the candidates background : Education, Employment, Driving records, Performance, Compatibility, Criminal and / or Alcohol abuse among othersI



InterManagement delivers these reports diligently and discreetly. You are assured that you know who you are hiring .Prior to referring the candidates to the clients, InterManagement and subsidiaries conduct primary, secondary & character reference and pre-employment background checks on EACH candidate.

Primary References
These are obtained from the candidates immediate superiors at the current and previous employment.


InterManagement strives to establish the communication skills the character, the strength & weakness. Those referred to often impact deep insight regarding the relationship with others, the creative contribution, the salient success, or problems. InterManagement HR panel has devised scientific questionnaires to bring out the candidates inner qualities to light.

Secondary References
InterManagement seeks the secondary source of reference by discreet probing during assessment interviews. The secondary references at peer or subordinate level reflect an independent and unbiased point of view. When the candidate is not forthcoming, often the primary references reveal those suitable for secondary reference.

Character Reference
InterManagement obtains the character reference from the person nominated by the candidates and who are able to provide reliable information on the background, integrity, character and personality of the candidates. We take care to verify that they are respected in the community and they have known the candidates for many years.